I’m so excited to have you here!
I am launching the first official installment of this experiment tomorrow. But first, I wanted to tell you what this newsletter is all about.
To put it simply, HIGHBROW/LOWBROW is a running list of things that I like. Some of those things are highbrow. Most of those things are lowbrow. They are things that make me happy, and that is happiness I would like to share! With you!
Every Thursday, I will share one highbrow thing and one lowbrow thing. And that’s about it.
It’s going to be a lot of media: movies, TV shows, Kpop music videos (it’s gonna be a LOT of this one in particular), podcasts, books… ok probably not books. I read three books last year (and that was a good year).
That being said, there are a few ground rules to this thing:
This is meant to be an enjoyable endeavor for all of us. “Us” includes me. Me does not like pressure. If me is tired one week and the newsletter comes out a day late, that’s just how it’s gonna go. Heck, I may even skip a whole week sometimes. That is the HB/LB brand. I will try my best to stay accountable, but my best leaves much to be desired. I am who I am and I love myself.
Hahahahahahahaha you thought I’d put effort into a public-facing project??? Think again, sweetie! I will not spell check, I will not proof read, I will not double-check my links. That simply is the HB/LB way!
I may decide to use NSFW language. I might refer to sexual situations. I will probably tell stories about my personal life that are unpleasant for all involved. I’m not really sure, honestly. I haven’t exactly “planned this out.” I’m just trying to cover my bases here.
Okay, now that I’ve set expectations, I feel much better. I’ve really let myself off the hook, haven’t I? Wow, this feels GREAT.
Alright. You’ve made it this far, so here’s a little preview of the OFFICIAL FIRST ISSUE:

Hope to see you back here tomorrow! And then the Thursday after that. And then… no promises beyond that.
(Truly thank you so much for caring enough about what I have to say about anything)